I would recommend the following -
Various books by Carl Hiaasen, superbly written and very, very funny the guys books are masterpieces. Mostly set in Florida and the Everglades. Examples below -
Lucky You (1997)
Sick Puppy (2000)
Basket Case (2002)
Skinny Dip (2004)
Nature Girl (2006)
Star Island (2010)
Bad Monkey (2013)
Razor Girl (2016)
Squeeze Me (2020)
More on the vein of the one you pictured are books about world war II, by authors such as Antony Beevor, Simon Sebag Montefiore, Max Hastings etc ( Chastise about the Dambusters is excellent ) These authors books are very well researched.
I forget the author, but recently read a book all about I K Brunel which was fascinating.
Between paperbacks and hardbacks I did not know how many books I had, until last year when I sorted them out and bought some bookcases, now I know, approx 900 books
Plus there are all the Kindle books to read whilst at sea
Yes, I know, I should really get out more 